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How To Animate Your Images Online

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A sample of images uploaded to Google Photos service that was automatically animated.



A sample of downloaded animated or gif from Google Photos service.


How to animate your images online?

Simple ONE TOOL to animate (gif) your images is by creating your Gmail account. From there, you can upload your images to your Google Photos service. You can either choose to directly download your animated image from your Google Album and create your content from there. Google will automatically animate these images for you without doing anything basically! I do hope it stays that way. Let’s see how long it will stay, I supposed.


Steps and tips to follow not rigidly:

  1. Create your Gmail account.
  2. Upload your photos to your Google Photos Album service.
  3. Make sure you uploaded the repeated image in slightly different position at least more than 3 or more.
  4. If your Gmail account is sync within your mobile email setting, Google Photos will notify you automatically when you have animations ready. You can choose to keep or delete.
  5. You can opt to transfer your animation image by creating a new album within your Google Photos service, in this way you can easy access it by posting online. Or, you can download it on your PC, tablet or mobile too, however, you want to share your animation online.
  6. For bloggers, you can easy download your image animated from Google Photos account and create your content from there especially if you are using Bloggers.com of Google. If you are using WordPress, etc. you can download and upload it to your site.
  7. Other ways to post it on your blog for content is to share it first to your Instagram account, then get the embed code from Instagram like you do with your non-animated image.
  8. Always keep in the back of your mind, using Google, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media features does not guarantee us they will keep their brilliant features forever. They can decide to change it or close it down anytime to create more money! Anyhow, if a small business gives a lot of value to their customers, how much more with a corporate minded people (unlikely is it)?
  9. Take note; not all repeated images are automatically animated. It depends on Google’s algorithm or methods by the time you uploaded your pictures and its perfect composition. You will get the impressive result straight away by surprise!
  10. Lastly, Google Photos service is a great tool to upload your photos to free or paid service. You can use it for free with an unlimited upload with high resolution. You can also decide to set each album private or public. It’s entirely up to you.


What is your easy tool to animate your images?


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